
Woman-Battering is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book was written as a practical response to many ministers who approached the author after they did not know what to say to a woman suffering violence from her abusive husband. The focus and audience is the Christian community, and the particular issues that are raised in a Christian context. Although a pastor in a congregational setting is used in most examples, the recommendations can be...

• Do not case manage her life for her, taking over the decision-making. • Do not make the assumption that this marriage should be kept together at all costs. • Do not respond by displacing the focus from his responsibility for his behavior by saying, “Tell me about your family history,” or “What did you do to provoke him?” reinforcing in these questions that it is somehow because of her that the violence is occurring. • Do not trivialize or minimize what has occurred. Be concerned about any injuries
Pages 71–72